Ho`okanaka Awards Committee

The committee that planned the Ho`okana Awards, members of the 2012 adult Leadership Kaua`i class Maheallani Yamashita, Jerry Broklehurst — LK executive director, Bob Levoit, Pua Palmeria, Kaleo Carvalho, Cameron Kruse, Catherine Clement

Article and photos by Anne E. O’Malley

A Ho`okanaka Awards Ceremony recently honored outstanding adult and youth leaders within the community. The event was designed and implemented as one project of Leadership Kaua`i Class of 2012. The project team requested nominations at large from around the island, seeking persons who best demonstrate the five leadership principles of Leadership Kaua`i training. From 29 nominees — eight youth and 21 adults — judges selected finalists who received plaques at the awards ceremony. For more information on Leadership Kaua`i, visit http://leadershipkauai.blogspot.com.


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