Kaua‘i's Schiedea lychnoides. Photo by Ken Wood/NTBG

Kaua‘i’s Schiedea lychnoides. Photo by Ken Wood/NTBG

Conservationists statewide have banded together in an unprecedented collaboration to target over half of Hawai‘i’s native plants for the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, Red List of Threatened Species, according to a news release from the National Tropical Botanical Garden.

In August 2015, the Hawaiian Plant Specialist Group met on Kaua‘i for a workshop spearheaded by NTBG. The group is part of the larger IUCN Species Survival Commission, a science-based network of more than 10,000 experts from almost every country of the world. During five days of sessions, some two-dozen attendees from state and federal agencies, private institutions, gardens and other individuals committed to escalate their efforts to red list 780 of the 1,375 native species.

“Botanists throughout Hawai‘i who have been working closely with native plants are targeting nearly 57 percent of the flora as the highest priority,” Hawai‘i Red List Authority Maggie Sporck-Koehler said. “A large number of targeted plants are rare, but we’re also working on listing plants that are important as part of wildlife habitat and some that are seriously threatened by disease.”

Recent new additions have already increased the number of Hawai‘i species on the list by nearly 35 percent.

Conservation authorities say that by placing species on the Red List, their visibility will be increased, which in turn raises awareness and opportunities for vital support.

O‘ahu's Cyanea grimesiana, subspecies obatae. Photo by Maggie Sporck/NTBG

O‘ahu’s Cyanea grimesiana, subspecies obatae. Photo by Maggie Sporck/NTBG

Although many in the conservation community already recognize Hawai‘i for its distinctive flora, NTBG’s Director and CEO Chipper Wichman said “the wealth and importance of Hawai‘i’s unique plant life needs to be more broadly understood in a global context to help ensure it won’t be lost to extinction. Red listing Hawaiian species is an important move to further document what we have and determine the current level of risk each faces.”

Approximately 90 percent of native flowering plant species are endemic to the islands, meaning they occur naturally nowhere else. The group behind the effort to increase Hawai‘i’s red-listed plants is assessing them by island or island groups, focusing first on “single island endemics” — those species that occur on just one island.

Kaua‘i has the highest number of endemic species, in part because of its geologic age (it is the oldest high island); its many steep, isolated valleys; and its greater distance from other islands. Before the workshop, 91 Kaua‘i species were listed. Thus far, an additional 47 have been listed, with more submitted.

By September 2016, O‘ahu’s number of red-listed species is expected to increase from 88 to 147; Maui from 84 to 117, Lāna‘i from 40 to 50, Molokai from 44 to 66, and the Big Island from 72 to 79.

Decades of data gathered by dozens of field biologists was needed to complete assessments for each plant. Assessments are partly based on a species’ population size, range, and severity of threats like loss of habitat and invasives.

Maui's Geranium arboreum. Photo by Ken Wood/NTBG

Maui’s Geranium arboreum. Photo by Ken Wood/NTBG

“The partnership that is producing these assessments highlights the high level of local expertise and dedication of so many individuals to conserving Hawaiʻi’s native plants. These reports are a call for action to save some of the world’s most unique treasures by supporting conservation work across our state,” said

Matt Keir, Executive Director of Laukahi: The Hawai‘i Plant Conservation Network.

Bringing together the information from conservationists has been an arduous one, but “well worth the effort,” said NTBG Conservation Biologist Seana Walsh. “Working together through the red-listing process allowed us to compile data and discuss new management ideas for species occurring on multiple islands and/or being managed by different agencies,” Walsh explained.

Unlike the Endangered Species Act, which is legally binding legislation restricted to the United States, the Red List defines a plant’s conservation status but does not prescribe specific actions to be taken to save it. Rather, the list can influence, inform, and guide species management and relevant legislation.

The Red List, a global assessment system that was established by the IUCN, includes seven categories ranging from “Least Concern” (most stable and abundant populations) to “Extinct in the wild” and “Extinct.” Currently more than 59,000 animals and other living creatures and over 20,000 plants — nearly 80,000 listings in all — are on the list. The IUCN aims to double that to 160,000 plant and animal species by 2020.

IUCN’s World Conservation Congress, the world’s largest conservation gathering, will be held in Honolulu from September 1-10, the first time the global forum has met in the United States. About 6,000 delegates are expected to attend to address the most pressing environmental issues of our time.

The following agencies, institutions, and organizations are involved in the effort to red list the Hawaiian flora:

Bishop Museum

Botany Department, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa

Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife

Laukahi: The Hawai‘i Plant Conservation Network

Harold L. Lyon Arboretum

National Tropical Botanical Garden

The Nature Conservancy

O‘ahu Army Natural Resources Program

Plant Extinction Prevention Program

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

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