Kauai Chamber Commerce LogoKaua’i Chamber of Commerce and Kaua’i Planning and Action Alliance – Keiki to Career Kaua’i

The Kaua`i Chamber of Commerce is working hard to build our island’s future workforce. Our members proudly contribute to Kaua`i schools as classroom speakers, career mentors, Junior Achievement volunteers, and contribute financially through organizations such as Aloha Angels.

We also understand the importance of a solid home foundation for students to be successful and to excel in the career of their choice. So, as children head back to school, the Kaua`i Chamber of Commerce is partnering with our member, the Kaua`i Planning and Action Alliance, to support their important effort – Keiki to Career Kaua`i. Together we are reminding families about the powerful benefits of sharing family meals, and to encourage them to make time to enjoy the special bonds that they share.

The simple act of eating meals together as a family 5 times per week is associated with brighter futures for our young people, helping them both socially and academically.

  • MORE success in school, including better grades and better vocabulary
  • MORE feelings of safety and well-being
  • LESS risky behaviors, such as smoking, drinking and drug-use; less depression
  • BETTER health: more nutritious food, reduces obesity, less eating disorders
  • STRONGER family relationships, better well-being of all family members.

On average, here is what other families have seen:

3 meals/week = 24% more fruits and vegetables

5 meals/week = 2 – 4 times less likely to use alcohol and drugs

7 meals/week = 40% more likely to get A’s and B’s

For your family to see the benefits, it is important to “unplug” from our digital devices and television, and to tune in to your children. Research demonstrates that adults also benefit from shared meals, too, reducing stress and depression. So, this school year, let’s all try these simple steps to make that commitment to each other, and not only build a better workforce, but continue to build a better Kaua`i.

Turn off the TV and cell phones.

Keep meals simple but nutritious.

Listen to your children and show how much you care.

Don’t use meals as a time to criticize or discipline your children.

Ask your school-aged children to help set and clear the table.  If they are old enough, have them help you in the kitchen, too.

Talk story with fun family questions – find them on our website!

Want to know more? Find complete information on sharing family meals at  www.keikitocareer.org/sharefamilymeals

I hope you will join the Chamber in this effort to bring families together and boost outcomes for our children all across the island.


Tuesday, August 9

Creating a Healthier Hawai’i Luncheon

Sponsored by Wilcox Health

Kaua’i Beach Resort

11:30 a.m.


Tuesday, August 16

Business After Hours

Westin Princeville Ocean Resort Villas

5:00 – 7:00 p.m.


Thursday, September 8

3rd Quarter Membership Meeting

Sponsored by Kaiser Permanente

Kaua’i Beach Resort

5:30 p.m.


Thursday, September 15

Business After Hours

Kaua’i Beach Resort

5:00 – 7:00 p.m.


Thursday, October 6

Business After Hours

The Specific Chiropractic

5:00 – 7:00 p.m.


Tuesday, October 11

Employment Law Seminar

Location: TBA


Thursday, November 10

Business Before Hours

The Regency at Puakea/KONG Radio Group

8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.


Thursday, December 8

Annual Membership Meeting

Annual Silent Auction

Kaua’i Marriott Resort

5:30 p.m.

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