Women’s History Celebration, hosted by the Kaua’i Committee on the Status of Women, will take place on March 9, 2016 at the Kauai Museum Courtyard, from 5 to 7 PM. Light refreshments will be served and Cindy Combs will entertain with Hawaiian Music.

The National Women’s History Month theme for 2016 honors women who have shaped America’s history and its future through their public service and government leadership. Our community celebrates the distinctive cultures that have brought us together. From championing basic human rights to ensuring access and equal opportunity for all Americans, they have led the way in establishing a stronger and more democratic country. Although often overlooked and undervalued, collectively they have dramatically influenced our public policy and the building of viable institutions and organizations.

The Program on March 9 will feature Norma Doctor Sparks from the Filipina Community, Aletha Kaohi Goodwin, representing the Hawaiian Community, Geri Young, MD, from the Chinese Community, Dimples Kano, representing the Japanese Community and Linda Pieratt from the Portuguese Community.

These women are descendants from diverse ethnic heritages which have created the unique blend of cultures on Kaua’i. Together, they have endured and transcended the limitations imposed on women, to carve out new futures for themselves and their children, thereby enriching our community and making its history possible.

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