Artist's rendition of the side view of the TMT Complex. Courtesy of

Artist’s rendition of the side view of the TMT Complex. Courtesy of

The Hawaiʻi Supreme Court issued an opinion Wednesday vacating the state Board of Land and Natural Resources Conservation District Use Permit for the Thirty Meter Telescope and the 2014 Circuit Court decision that upheld the granting of the permit.

The pivot for the permit’s dismissal was a contested case that should have been held before the permit was granted.

“BLNR acted improperly when it issued the permit prior to holding a contested case hearing. No case or argument put forth by UHH or BLNR persuades the argument,” the court’s decision states right before the conclusion vacating the TMT’s permit and remanding the case back to the circuit court to remand it back to BLNR to comply with proper proceedings.

Artist's rendition of the TMT, on the bottom left of this graphic image. Courtesy of

Artist’s rendition of the TMT, on the bottom left of this graphic image. Courtesy of

Following the court’s decision, the University of Hawaiʻi released an official statement saying: “The University of Hawaiʻi continues to believe that Maunakea is a precious resource where science and culture can synergistically coexist, now and into the future, and remains strongly in support of the Thirty Meter Telescope. UH is currently reviewing the court’s decision to determine the best path forward.”

Also on Wednesday, TMT management posted a Twitter comment stating, “This is not a judgement against TMT, but rather against the State’s process in granting the permits.”

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Artist's rendition of the top of the TMT Complex. Courtesy of

Artist’s rendition of the top of the TMT Complex. Courtesy of

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