By Virginia Beck


Quality time brings us to our senses. Kaua‘i is so stunningly beautiful — we are awakened to our aliveness through every sense. We stop and smell the gardenias, the ginger, the pikake, the macadamia and shower tree blossoms. Even the rain smells better here.

The softness of the air, the gentle temperature, the sounds of the surf, the birds, from mynahs and pheasants, to cheeky cardinals and shama thrush. And let’s not forget Kaua‘i’s famous chicken population!

Our eyes tease us into the awareness of the lush foliage, hundreds of greens, arranged in every shape and order to tickle the eye. Blossoms by the thousands — cascading from the shower trees, cups of orange and gold on the Kau, or African tulips. Cheerful hibiscus peeking from hedges in a wild variety of colors, the sweet perfection of plumeria and gardenia, along with the infinite varieties of orchids.

IMG_3654The ocean distracts us from our worries with its mesmerizing surf and dancing patterns of waves — a symphony conducted in color, light and sound crashing, pounding on the rocks and reefs, or curling gently on a sandy beach.

Fragrant lei, gentle music, or throbbing drums and torches — our hula halau perform ancient and modern hula sharing brilliant skills honed with years of practice and discipline — and a spirit and grace unequalled in this world.

“Wake up to another reality!” says Kaua‘i with its silent splendor. Towering cliffs of green velvet, wreathed in clouds, gifts of love from the skies, bringing rain to nurture us under the blazing gold of the hot sun. White koai’e birds plunge down the valleys and soar, swirling over the canyons; exclamation marks of joy in another beautiful day on Kaua‘i. Wake up to your own life, and all the unexpected possibilities.

IMG_0226Kaua‘i time: a more natural, human pace. Put away your watch, that mechanical toy that shreds your joy, by trying to make the world fit into a tiny box of numbers. Our beauty makes you stop — not breathless, but requiring the pause that allows the deeper breath of peace, of satisfaction and contentment. The true realization that life is actually working, and perfect in this moment. Just, now.

When you take the time, the moment, to pay full attention to the generosity of life, the abundance of the air we breathe, you will find that your heart expands, no longer crowed into the corners of your life. Instead, aloha is present everywhere, at all times, in all circumstances, with all people.

DSC00747Hawaiians, like all tribal people, at all times, on this tiny globe — realized we are all one, for we breathe the same air every life form on this planet breathes. Together we are one. When we remember who we are, we take care of each and every one, with no one left out.

My favorite translation of the word “Aloha”, is this, “The breath of God that emanates from the center of the universe and returns.”

The Aloha Spirit spreads a quality of life that has nothing to do with money and material accomplishment. It is entirely based in the hearts of our people. Adopt that quality and take it home. Me ke Aloha pumehana.

  • Virginia Beck, NP, CTP offers wellness services including, counseling, consulting, individual programs, Malama Birth Training, and Trager® Psychophysical Integration. Pregnancy back relief is a special favorite. 635-5618
Virginia Beck

Virginia Beck

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