Family Documents 50 Stories of Young Change-Makers; Partners With Psychologists and Business Consultants on Legacy Project: Generation of Generosity

This year Matt and Eva Webb and their three young children are crisscrossing the US for fourteen months, making a documentary film project about kids in all 50 states who are doing remarkable things to try to change the world and make it better. Along the way they are writing two books and are partnering on a child development study to better understand how to foster altruism in future generations. The project is titled, “One Year Road Trip: Generation of Generosity.”

“Children have the potential to change the trajectory of our world, but this potential is often overlooked,” says Matt Webb, the father of this road-tripping family. “We are committed to activating and highlighting that potential in kids across America.”

The Webbs believe children have untapped creative ideas for addressing some of the most challenging social issues we face today. “We’ve found children who have practical ideas of how to address hunger, stop bullying, prevent abuse, and even make breakthroughs in science and technology,” says Eva Webb

Some of the dozens of young change-makers the family is interviewing include:

• Kaytlen Akau ( a teenager in Kauai, HI, has been volunteering at her local dance studio for years, and recently launched Kaytlen’s closet to provide new and gently used clothing for local women and teens in need.

• Joshua Williams of Joshua’s Heart Foundation, who at five years old had a simple wish to feed the hungry, and since has distributed over 1 million pounds of food to those in need in South Florida.

• Brittany Amano and Cory La Roa, teenagers from Honolulu, HI, who support and build relationships with children in local homeless shelters with food, education, technology and mentoring programs through Hawaii’s Future Isn’t Hungry.

One Year Road Trip is currently traveling and filming the interviews, which is the research and development phase for the larger mission of driving a Generation of Generosity. Upon their return to California in November 2015, their mission is to create a TV/web series, documentary and two books that will resource, empower and inspire other youth around the globe to make a difference in their local communities. To learn more and make a tax-deductible contribution, visit

One Year Road Trip is a documentary film that follows the Webb family as they crisscross the US interviewing young change-makers in all 50 states who make up a growing Generation of Generosity. Follow their adventures at

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