Planning Department to hold three General Plan workshops

As part of the General Plan Update, Kaua’i Kākou, the Planning Department will be conducting workshops during the first week in November for three planning districts including: Waimea-Kekaha; Hanapēpē-‘Ele‘ele; and the North Shore.
The workshops will take a look at the form and character of the respective places as they are today, and how they might change in the future.
Participants will have the opportunity to discuss what “degree of change” is desired or expected for each community, and the ways in which places can be preserved, evolve or transform over the next 20 years.
The workshops are scheduled as follows:
Hanapēpē-‘Ele‘ele Planning District
 Monday, Nov. 2, 3 to 7 p.m., Hanapēpē Public Library – Introduction and Bus/Walking Tour
 Wednesday, Nov. 4, 5:30 to 7 p.m., Hanapēpē Public Library – Closing Presentation
Waimea-Kekaha Planning District
 Tuesday, Nov. 3, 9 am to 1 p.m., Kekaha Neighborhood Center – Introduction and Bus/Walking Tour
 Wednesday, Nov. 4, 12 to 1:30 p.m., Waimea Courthouse – Closing Presentation
North Shore Planning District
 Thursday, Nov. 5, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., Kilauea Neighborhood Center – Introduction and Bus/Walking Tour
 Friday, Nov. 6, 5 to 6:30 p.m., Church of the Pacific, Princeville – Closing Presentation
To reserve a space on the bus/walking tours, please call(808) 241-4061 or send an email to
To request an ASL interpreter, materials in an alternate format, or other auxiliary aid support, please contact the Planning Department at (808)241-4050or plankauai@kauai.govat least five business days before the workshop.

For more information, please visit

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