Volunteers prepare parts to build picnic tables

Volunteers prepare parts to build picnic tables. Photo courtesy of Friends of Kamalani and Lydgate Park

If you’re a believer that Earth Day is every day on Kaua`i, you’ll get no argument — everybody loves the beaches, mountains and trails, being outdoors and being touched by the beauty.

What better way to show appreciation than by giving back? The Friends of Kamalani and Lydgate Park invite you to construct 15 picnic tables on Saturday, April 21, just in time for Earth Day, the 22nd.

Residents and visitors alike, no need to call, just arrive at Kamalani Playground starting at 7:30 a.m. and pitch in, says Tommy Noyes, general coordinator of The Friends. He adds, “Wear clothes you don’t mind getting soiled, protect your feet and use sun protection.”

Skilled, unskilled — there’s work for everyone. If you can bring carpentry tools, call Noyes at 639-1018.

Families are welcome, and what a memory it will be. Surfrider has a beach cleanup project or two planned, and Hawaiian monk seal volunteers will set up an informative display.

Lunch is donated by restaurants and hotels. Want to offer something? Contact Tammi Andersland, food coordinator, at 652 4543.

Once this project is completed, the 57.85-acre Lydgate Park, administered by the County of Kaua`i, will have an  inventory of 55 wooden picnic tables. In addition, there are 31 campsites in the area soon to open, each with a picnic table constructed of recycled plastic.

What a gift!

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