Changes to Hardy, Eiwa Street scheduled next week

County officials announced that changes to the traffic flow on Hardy and Eiwa streets will be effective starting next week.
On Tuesday, July 28, the Hardy Street/Umi Street intersection will reopen as a roundabout.
On Wednesday, July 29, Eiwa Street will revert to the same configuration that was in place before the closure of Hardy/Umi Street intersection. Eiwa Street will remain a two-way street, except that no turns will be allowed from Rice Street to Eiwa Street. Left turns from Eiwa Street to Rice Street will continue to be prohibited.
The public is advised to exercise caution while driving, bicycling, and walking through the area.
Motorists should follow these guidelines when driving through a roundabout:
Slow down when approaching the roundabout.
Stop for pedestrians and bicyclists in the crosswalk before entering the roundabout.
Yield at the entry to circulating traffic; traffic already in the roundabout has the right-of-way.
Use your right-turn signal to indicate your intention to exit.
Exit the roundabout before stopping to allow emergency vehicles to pass.
Stop for pedestrians and bicyclists in the crosswalk when exiting the roundabout.
Pedestrians should follow these guidelines at a roundabout:
Be sure that drivers see you and make eye contact with them.
Wait for drivers to stop before proceeding through a crosswalk.
If needed, you can use the median as a refuge before crossing the second half of the roadway.
Do not cross to the central island of the roundabout.
Bicyclists should follow these guidelines at a roundabout:
You have the option of using the travel lanes like other vehicles, or exiting to the sidewalk.
If using the travel lanes, you should merge into the center of the lane and follow the guidelines for motorists listed above.
If using sidewalks, you should follow the guidelines for pedestrians listed above, and you are urged to walk your bicycle through crosswalks.
The roundabout and Eiwa Street modifications are part of the large-scale Hardy Street Improvements project.
More information is available on the project website at
Anyone with questions can call Earthworks Pacific at(808) 246-8808 or the Department of Public Works at(808) 241-4854.

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