Whiskey Oh

Whiskey Oh

Stories and photos by Chandley G. Jackson

Whiskey-Oh, a local band, performs traditional Irish songs at the Feral Pig in Nawiliwili. Song lyrics are handed out to the audience for a sing-a-long, and during intermission they might even have a pint with ya’. Terra, a former orchestra teacher from the Mainland, plays sweetly on her violin. Lead guitarist John and frontman Bob Shanty on the squeezebox bring on the melody of Ireland. Whether coming for a drink or a bite to eat, patrons turn to pirates this afternoon at the Pig.

Trish of Moloa‘a and her grandson, Isaiah, sit on a lava rock and look out at a shipwreck in Moloa‘a, Kaua‘i’s North Shore. Talk amongst onlookers has it that the boat ran out of gas and met its demise at the beautiful bay while the captain took a dingy to replenish his supply. These two came to spend a day at the beach together when they noticed the tipped ship and a small group of observers.

Kitesurfer at Fujii Beach

Kitesurfer at Fujii Beach

On a wave at Fujii Beach, kitesurfer Dean K. McRaine makes the best of the tradewinds. After suiting up in preparation, he set out in full sail to catch a high breeze on the east swell. When he’s not in the ocean, Dean is operating Lightwave Pottery in Kapa‘a. For passersby on the Coconut Coast bike path, the dancing kites in the sky dazzle the eyes.

It’s a dog-meet-dog world in the true aloha spirit of the islands. All it takes is the shared fondness of a particularly tasty bamboo shoot for these two at a North Shore beach. Driftwood is as good as any Frisbee for a playful doggie on a sandy beach.

Beach Boy Pashon Cooper waits to greet customers in Hanalei. “Sun’s shining, sky’s blue … I’m a workin’ man.”

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