Saturday, March 21 • 8 am • At PMRF Swimming Pool • 335-4379 • Open to General public.

This is a very short course but a great way to introduce your-self into the world of triathlon; 80yd swim, 3mile bike, and 1mile trail run. Ages 7 and over, individuals or teams (kids/parents are encouraged to partner up). Must be able to swim 80 yards and wear bright color shirt for bike. Due to size of pool we are limited to about 30 participants, so sign up early; sign up deadline is March 14th. Event T-shirt, participation medal, and award certificate for top 3 in each age group. There will be an award ceremony 1100 at Shenanigan’s with a special post-race lunch available: Cost per person without lunch: Active/family $5, PMRF $10, general public $15. Total cost with lunch (turkey club, fries, 1 drink): Active/family $15, PMRF $18, general public $23.

Contact Erick at 335-4983, for more info.

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