Some Koloa Camp residents rally

Some Koloa Camp residents, lessees and supporters rally near the sugar monument in February at the entrance to Koloa Town. Photo by Anne E. O'Malley

A Celebration of Our Koloa Camp `Ohana

On Sunday, May 20, from noon to 5 p.m., friends and supporters of Koloa Camp will hold a celebration of the camp culture, camaraderie and history of Koloa Camp at the Koloa Ball Park.

The event will highlight the special spirit of community that was part of Koloa Camp, as a special example of old Kaua`i aloha.  Live music by Kaua’i musicians, story sessions from Koloa Camp kupuna, food, and photo displays will be part of this family-oriented celebration.

“We want to thank all the people — the state senators, city council members, volunteers, petition signers, sign wavers — everyone who helped make the case for more affordable housing and respect for Koloa Camp tenants and kupuna,” said Doreen Jacintho, a longtime tenant of Koloa Camp and daughter of Louis Jacintho, Jr., a Grove Farm irrigation supervisor.

In spring 2012, following eviction notices delivered to Koloa Camp tenants by landowner Grove Farm, the Kaua`i County Council and Hawai`i State Senate passed resolutions urging Grove Farm to explore win-win alternatives to its proposed new housing development. The intent of the resolutions was to include more affordable housing for tenants of the existing Koloa Camp.

Many Koloa Camp tenants were elderly with severely limited incomes and limited relocation  possibilities.  Despite the passage of these resolutions, Grove Farm proceeded with the evictions.

“Aloha needs to be defined and lived anew by each generation,” said City Council member Joann Yukimura, “Each person and each business must ask the question, ‘How do we act with aloha here and now?’  I believe it can still come for Grove Farm if we have the courage to try new ways and meet each other with the grace to find common ground.”

Call 808-292-3695 or 808-635-6145.

Save Koloa Camp was the cover story for the March 2012 issue of For Kaua`i. Click on the Magazine PDF in the menu and select the March issue of For Kaua`i.

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