On Mon. July 14th at Brick Oven-Wailua PFLAG Kauai and LAMBDA ALOHA KAUAI gathered.

We are proud to present Dillon Ancheta with our yearly dual scholarship award to a graduating Senior on Kauai that has shown exemplary service to the LGBTQQIA (Lesbian, Gay, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Intersexed and Ally) community on Kauai. We say congratulations as he is headed to UH Manoa majoring in Broadcast Journalism. We wish him the very best in his future.

Dillon Ancheta was active in the Diversity Club at Kauai High School. He assisted with the marriage and gender equality movement by organizing his own youth sign waving campaign, joining w PFLAG and their efforts, as well as writing to the legislature. He participated with the Diversity Club at Kauai High as part of the national campaign “Day of Silence” bringing awareness to the silence of bullying in the LGBT youth community. Just some of his accolades: he received the 2014 Citizenship Award was the 2013-14 Student Body President for Kauai High School and served as the 2013-14 Council Chairperson for the HI State Student Council. He received an Honorable Mention at the Student Television Network Anchor Team a national competition.

Questions as to how to apply for the 2104-15 school year? Contact Melissa Egusa – MelissaEgusa@gmail.com

Byron Bath - VP of LAMBDA ALOHA KAUAI Dillon Ancheta Melissa Egusa - President of PFLAG Kauai and Dillon's Grandmother  Photo by Faith Harding

Dillon Ancheta
Melissa Egusa – President of PFLAG Kauai
and Dillon’s Grandmother
Photo by Faith Harding

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