Ko Tao sunset

Outdoorswoman and author Melissa Burovac has a bad case of travel bug. And for our luck, this Kaua‘i resident is sharing her experiences with the rest of us.

Burovac’s newly published book, Wandering, is a humorous look at her first round of an adventure around world.

This Thursday, July 10, The Feral Pig in Nawiliwili will host a book signing and reception for Burovac from 4 to 8 p.m. Copies of Wandering will be available for purchase.

Crocodiles, erupting volcanoes and sneaking into Cuba — these are among the hilarious adventures Wandering shares when Burovac responds to her midlife crisis by traveling around the world solo for nine months.

An avid outdoorswoman, Burovac enjoys outrigger canoe paddling — both one-man and six-man canoes — running, surfing and scuba diving, as well as yoga. She is always up for adventure and loves doing things that scare her a little.

The Feral Pig is at the Harbor Mall by Kalapaki Bay in Nawiliwili.

Wandering is also available at Amazon on paperback or Kindle versions.

Visit www.wanderwithmelissa.com for more information.

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