By Léo Azambuja

Dustin and Kirby Dillberg

Dustin and Kirby Dillberg, owners of Pain Free Kaua‘i.

You won’t find any prescription pills at Pain Free Kaua‘i. But you’ll likely learn how to address what caused your pain in the first place, thus eliminating the problem straight in its roots.

“We have a natural healthcare facility that looks at the body a little differently,” said Dustin Dillberg, owner of Pain Free Kaua‘i in Lihu‘e, and a graduate of Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, Egoscue University and Pettibon Spinal Technologies.

Pain Free Kaua‘i’s mission, he said, is working on anything that’s “fair, honest and natural.” Dustin’s treatments look at the body’s imbalances and try to get to the root-cause of what’s going on.

“We want to access pain rather than covering it up,” he said.

acupuncture Dillberg

Dusting Dillberg applies acupuncture needles on a client at Pain Free Kaua‘i.

So besides pain, the treatments also help people to heal their digestive systems, relieve stress, get better sleep and enjoy a string of health benefits.

In less than three years in business — Pain Free Kaua‘i opened in September 2011 — Dustin has attracted a wide variety of clients, from elite professional athletes to children, senior citizens and anyone else seeking healing or just living healthier.

The facility offers a broad range of treatments, often used in combination, including mobilization, acupuncture, corrective exercises, nutrition, detox programs and deep-tissue therapy through the only Class-IV Laser on the island.

Because of the clinic’s catchy name, sometimes there is confusion as to whether they offer prescription painkillers.

“I do not use medication, I use supplements that will assist in the healing process, in therapeutic doses,” Dustin said. “They are called nutroceuticals rather than pharmaceuticals, so it’s all naturally derived substances, like herbs, nutrients, vitamins.”

Kirby Dillberg, Dustin’s wife and partner in the business, runs the show, and also works as sports nutritionist, athletic performance advisor and deep tissue Laser therapist.

Pain Free Kauai

Dustin Dillberg treats a client at Pain Free Kaua‘i in Lihu‘e.

“We actually helped a lot of people who have been addicted to pain medication get off of their pain meds,” she said.

Kirby too knows more than a thing or two about pain. A former professional figure skater, she suffered from a chronic back pain that no one could figure out how to successfully treat. But then she met Dustin, who addressed her pain in a matter of weeks.

Dustin said he has yet to see somebody’s health too far gone that they can’t make some change in a positive direction.

Kirby said she’s seen many “uncles” who can’t surf anymore, only to get back on a shortbard weeks after working with Dustin.

“You are still able to change your pain as much as you are willing to invest in changing your health,” Dustin said. “The body is an amazing thing.”

The human body, he said, is designed so perfectly that it can heal itself. Our bodies can produce some of the most incredible pain-relieving chemicals, endorphins, which are 10 times more powerful than morphine.

When Dustin was 7 years old, he got hit by a car while riding his bicycle. The accident — and the pain it caused — would haunt him throughout his childhood, and by the time he was 15 years old, he was diagnosed with severe ligament damage.

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Dustin and Kirby Dillberg, owners of Pain Free Kaua‘i.

“Because I had to walk in those shoes, of having to wake up and do my therapy, and was in pain and had to get treatments, I feel like I gained a different type of passion that I wouldn’t have otherwise,” he said. “So I look at those traumas, it was honestly the best thing that ever happened to me — it got me right where I am now.”

Additionally, he grew up with a father who is a chiropractor and who also practices acupuncture.

Despite Kaua‘i being one of the most isolated spots on the planet, Dustin consults with people from all over the world through the Internet. His extensive knowledge has landed work with top basketball and baseball players, golfers and other athletes.

He also works with elite surfers such as Fred Patacchia, Jordy Smith, Malia Manuel, Alana Blanchard and Bethany Hamilton.

And this month, a book he co-wrote with Hamilton is being released. “Body and Soul” targets young people — and everyone else — who wants to live a healthier life.

Pain Free Kaua‘i is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 4366 Kukui Grove Street. They can be contacted at 245-0007.

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