This announcement is for auditions for a Women In Theater production of a play that is the first in a series of four plays by Kauai’s own beloved David Scott.  Kauai Community Players will be presenting the second in the series as part of our 2015 season, dates to be announced later.  If you have questions, please call David Scott at 651-4387.


Announcing auditions for five actresses, ages 19 to 70, for “EMMA’S LAST DANCE” – an original play, written and directed by David Penhallow Scott, to be presented by WIT at KCC  Performing Arts Center October 3, 4 & 5. The tryouts will be held at Wit’s End in Coconut Marketplace on Friday, April 25, 2014, 3 – 5 P.M., and Saturday, April 26, 3 – 5 P.M.

This play is a family saga, that accurately depicts life in the islands in December, 1941, just before the attack on Pearl Harbor. It offers moments of high drama and low comedy, but it is always truthful to “the way things were” and all the parts are demanding, but rewarding.

The roles include: A Hawaiian kapuna; a Japanese family retainer & confidante; a spoiled teenager; a tarnished Hollywood star and the wife of a plantation owner. Hawaiian and Asian actors are especially encouraged to attend. You may call the director for further information, at 651-4387

WIT is most grateful to Kauai Community Players for offering this opportunity to reach out to Kauaians interested in theatre.

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