A new film shot on Kauaʻi and titled, ʻĀINA: That Which Feeds Us, will be premiering at the KCC Performing Arts Center on July 25th at 7:00 PM.

“The film is ultimately about our relationship with the Earth that feeds us,” says filmmaker Josh Thome. “The traditional Hawaiian relationship is in stark contrast to that of industrial agriculture and has much to teach the world today.”

Indeed, for a culture that was able to thrive for over a thousand years on small islands in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, Hawaiians mastered the science and art of managing resources for abundance.

“To malama ʻāina is to take care of the Earth that feeds us. The minute we lose site of that, we have signed our own palapala make, our death warrant.” — Sabra Kauka, from ʻĀINA

While the story of ʻĀINA is told on Kauaʻi, it links the agricultural issues facing the island as a microcosm for the crossroads that agriculture is at globally.

“When we look at agriculture globally, it is the largest interface between humans and the environment. Agriculture is either going to make us or break us.” — Don Heacock, Biologist, from ʻĀINA
The impacts of industrial agriculture have become inescapable but ʻĀINA shows a way forward that can lead to a healthier and more sustainable food system.

“Do we just go for the short sighted gains and profits without even considering how it is going to affect five generations, seven generations down the road? These are the kinds of things that our ancestors thought about.” — Kāwika Winter PhD, Ethnobotanist, from ʻĀINA
The premiere event will also include comments from the filmmakers and individuals featured in the film, as well as live music by the Waipā Serenaders, who also make an appearance in ʻĀINA.

Tickets to the World Premiere of ʻĀINA on sale now at

Photos; David Sproat, driving; David Sproat; Global Agriculture; Kawika Winter; Sabra Kauka; Taro


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