Here is a great chance to support our entire island and enjoy a fine night
out in Poipu at the Sheraton fabulous Rum Fire restaurant. During the
entire month of October, all proceeds – literally, every dime spent, except
tax and tip – at Rum Fire’s Table 53 will be donated to Kauai United Way
(KUW) in support of the 2014 Annual Campaign. What an opportunity – great
food, superb service and a world-class view … and an important donation to
the 29 Participating Agencies of Kauai United Way.

The theme of our Annual Campaign this year is “7 in 7”: a record goal of
$700,000 in celebration of the 7th decade of KUW’s service to our island.
Here’s a way you can help us get there while treating yourself to a
wonderful night out.

Kauai United Way’s Participating Agencies provide more than 80 unduplicated
social services that save lives daily and help thousands of Kauai people
live happier, healthier, more productive lives and, in the process, elevate
us all.

If this sounds like too good a deal to turn down, call the Kauai Sheraton
Resort at 742-1661 and ask for reservations at Rum Fire restaurant. Be sure
to specify Table 53. Special thanks to Chip Bahouth, Annette Wong and all
the associates of the Sheraton Kauai Resort – and to YOU – for helping our
*whole* community through Kauai United Way!

flyer size KUW

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