The Elections Division of the Office of the County Clerk will be mailing Yellow Notice of Voter Registration Postcards to all voters on April 21, 2014. Also known as the “Yellow Card,” the postcard provides election dates and information for the upcoming elections.

Voters who registered on or before April 11, 2014 should receive their Yellow Cards by April 25, 2014 and should call the Elections Division if the postcard is not received by the end of April 2014. Voters should also contact the Elections Division if any information on the Yellow Card is incorrect or outdated.

Additionally, if the Yellow Card is addressed to someone who no longer receives mail at the address on the postcard or the postcard is for someone unknown to the address holders, voters are asked to place the postcard back in the mail so it is returned to the Elections Division (no postage necessary).

Voters who register after April 11, 2014 will receive their Yellow Card in a supplementary mailing following the Primary Election voter registration deadline on July 10, 2014.

“For voters, the Yellow Card officially announces the start to the upcoming election season and we ask that voters carefully read and keep the card for future reference” said County Clerk Ricky Watanabe.

“We also wish to inform the public that we are openly recruiting for poll workers for the upcoming elections so ask that any interested individuals call our Elections Division for additional information or to volunteer,” Watanabe added.

For additional information, please contact the Elections Division at 241-4800.

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